Cherry Orchard Equine Centre is heavily reliant on funding from state grants. Without support from government departments and agencies, we would be unable to fund the majority of the work that we do.

The Department of Rural and Community Development
The department provide two of the core grants that support the operation of the Equine Centre. The Community Services Programme is a payroll grant which supports the operations and earned income element of the organisation.
This is managed and administered by Pobal. The Department also provides operational funding which goes towards the senior management, finance, administration and insurance costs.
Dublin City Council Funding
Dublin City Council provides funding to the Equine Centre under a number of headings.
An annual maintenance grant is provided to the organisation to assist with the maintenance of the facility which is owned by Dublin City Council.
DCC also provide funding support towards the operational costs of Blue Door and they provide a lot of smaller one-off grants for a wide variety of programmes and activities.

Funding for Youth Services
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth provide funding for youth services under the UBU programme.
This is managed and administered by the City of Dublin Youth Services Board. This funding supports the cost of operating our youth services.
Ballyfermot Local Drugs and Alcohol Taskforce
The Ballyfermot Local Drugs and Alcohol Taskforce provides some of the funding towards the operational cost of Blue Door, our family support project. Where staff provide supports to individuals and families over the age of 18 across a wide range of issues.
The Department of Agriculture
The Department of Agriculture funded the construction of the Equine Centre and still continues to provide one-off grants from time to time.
The Department of Justice
They provide funding for our Youth Diversion Project called CODY which incorporates our community scrambler initiative and family support and early intervention workers.